Pastor Nate brings the message, "Jesus Crucified.” The Romans crucified their opponent as a sign of humiliation and defeat. But Jesus was not a defeated opponent or a martyred victim. Jesus willingly went to the cross, fulfilling the prophetic Scripture, and offering Himself as a substitute in our place. The cross of Jesus, which was a platform of public mockery, became the gateway to eternal salvation for those who will believe in Him.
Jesus for Barabbas
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Jesus for Barabbas” from Mark 15. The theme of substitution is front and center in this section of Mark. Jesus is sentenced to death in place of a known murderer named Barabbas. But it wasn’t just Barabbas who deserved judgment. We all deserve death, but Jesus went to the cross for us.
To Die or Deny
Pastor Nate brings the message "To Die or Deny" from Mark 14:53-72. Earlier in the garden Peter had told Jesus, "If I must die with you, I will not deny you." Yet, when the pressure cooker of life heated up, Peter's real treasure came to the surface: self-preservation. In contrast, Jesus continues his path to the cross of death and perseveres in what is true. The contrast is once again obvious. And, we are thankful that Jesus did die in our place.
Salvation for Those Who Fall
Pastor Nate brings the message "Salvation for Those Who Fall" from Mark 14:26-51. It's a reminder that we all need to hear: the very nature of Christ's salvation is that it is a gift for those who fall. In Mark 14:26-51 we see Jesus deeply sorrowful and eventually abandoned by His followers. Yet, Jesus endures and pursues the Father's will. In agony, He continues toward the cross in order to provide salvation for fallen people like the disciples...and us.
The Lord's Supper
Two weeks ago, we saw Jesus moving us from the religious celebration of the Passover meal to a new meal we call "communion." On Sunday we will be studying this important ordinance and seeing how God uses this meal in our lives. Following the sermon we will, like a family, participate in the communion meal together.
Genuine Love
Dr. Davey, our BUILD Men's Conference speaker, will bring the message, "Genuine Love" from Romans 12:9-21. As the gospel transforms mankind spiritually from death to life, it also transforms our entire being, actions, and attitudes. Paul highlights one area specifically that should demonstrate this transformation: genuine love.
Jesus' Last Supper
Pastor Nate brings the message, "For 1300 years the Passover meal was celebrated by Jews as a reminder of God’s past redemption and as a confidence of His future redemption. When Jesus gathered the disciples together in the Upper Room, He explained to them that this meal had been pointing to Him. It’s through Jesus, the last lamb, that we have our redemption.
A Beautiful Thing
Pastor Nate brings the message, "A Beautiful Thing." In Mark 14 the scene is being set for Jesus' imminent death, and people are finding Jesus either to be valuable or dispensable. When a woman shows her devotion to Jesus in an extravagant and beautiful way, the disdain and anger of Jesus' skeptics overflows with sophisticated reasons as to why she shouldn't do such things. The question that begs to be asked is whether or not our hearts love Jesus above all things.
Stay Awake
On Things Above
Grace for 2023
Advent - Part 4: God Pursues
Pastor Nate brings the message, "God Pursues" - Part 4. For our last message in this series, we are turning to Luke 2:1-20 and seeing the arrival of Jesus into the world. From the early chapters of Genesis, God had been promising that a Savior would come to His people. He came and what a gift we have been given!
Advent - Part 3: God Pursues
Pastor Nate brings the message, "God Pursues" - Part 3. In this series we have seen how God is graciously moving toward us. We have sinned against Him and are deserving of His eternal wrath, yet God has pursued us for His glory and our good. In this message we look at Galatians 4:1-7 to see what Jesus accomplished for us when he came into the world.
Advent - Part 2: God Pursues
As you think about the Advent of Jesus, a question will eventually come to mind. Why did God pursue us? Was it because we were lovely and attractive to Him? No. The Bible says that before salvation we were rebellious and refusing to seek after God. So, then, why did God pursue us? In this message, we look to 1 Timothy 1:12-17 for the answer.
Advent - Part 1: God Pursues
Message from Habakkuk
Pastor Andy brings a message from the book of Habakkuk. Our view of God is often shaped by our own life and circumstances. The prophet Habakkuk is no different. But when he begins a dialogue with God, God's answers throw Habakkuk into even more confusion. What is God doing? And ultimately, how are believers in God to live in difficult circumstances?
Give Thanks
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Give Thanks" from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18. With Thanksgiving coming up next week, we are going to take a Sunday to look at passages in the Bible concerning a thankful heart. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
A Grace-Giving Widow
Pastor Nate brings the message, "A Grace Giving Widow” from Mark 12:41-44. Money and the economy have been part of the public conversation recently. How are we, the people of God, to think biblically concerning the money that God has entrusted to us? How should we use it for His glory? We’ll explore these questions (and answers) as we look at several passages in the Bible this Sunday.
Jesus: David's Lord and Son
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Jesus: David’s Lord and Son” from Mark 12:35-37. With just two days before His trial starts, Jesus explains that He is both David’s Lord and David’s Son. With Jesus’ identity coming into clearer focus, the audience (including us) must evaluate whether or not our responses to Him are simply religious or genuine worship from the heart.