Contend for the Faith - Part 1

Contend for the Faith - Part 1

This message is from the book of Jude. This Sunday we begin a short series through the book of Jude. It’s a book full of interesting stories and sources, but one that carries a relevant message for Christians of all times; contend for the faith. Here we’ll look at several things we need to consider as we encounter false teachings.

Is Seeing Necessary for Believing?

Is Seeing Necessary for Believing?

The message is from John 20:1-31. In John 20 we read the account of Jesus’ resurrection. What’s interesting is that no one in the story believes that Jesus is alive unless they see evidence. With grace and truth, Jesus kindly leads these individuals into “resurrection belief.” What about us and all the others who are thousands of years and thousands of miles removed from that event? We weren’t there to see anything! Jesus has a word for us as well.