This message is from the book of Jude. This Sunday we begin a short series through the book of Jude. It’s a book full of interesting stories and sources, but one that carries a relevant message for Christians of all times; contend for the faith. Here we’ll look at several things we need to consider as we encounter false teachings.
The One Who is Worthy of Your Worship
The Effort for Peace and Holiness
This message is from Hebrews 12:12-17. We’ve seen that running the course of the Christian life requires faith that God exists. We now reach a section where we must believe that God’s commands about life are real and best. And what does He command us to do that is best? Pursue peace with everyone and holiness.
God's Love in the Form of Discipline
This message is from Hebrews 12:3-11. We can see the loveless attitude of parents who never correct their children from sinful behavior. We can see apathy when they remain too busy to walk with their children through difficult circumstances. But not God! He loves His children and will do what it takes to grow us in holiness.
The Race Set Before Us
Living by Faith - Part 4
Living by Faith - Part 3
This message is from Hebrews 11:23-31. As we move into the next section of Hebrews 11, Moses and the nation of Israel are used as examples of faith for us. God calls us to obedience, and each step along the way requires faith. Can you identify areas of your life where you have had to live by faith this past week?
Living by Faith - Part 2
Living by Faith - Part 1
This message is from Hebrews 10:39-11:7. One of the most well-known chapters in the Bible is Hebrews 11. It contains the stories of many Old Testament heroes who lived by faith in God’s promises. However, its purpose is highly instructive for our everyday lives. Chapter 11 shows us how we are to live by faith.
Live for Something Better - Part 2
This message is from Hebrews 10:32-39. What motivates the farmer to endure the heavy work of spring and summer? Answer: the joyful expectation of the harvest. What joyful expectation has God given Christians as a motivation to endure the trials and suffering of life? This message will answer that question.
Live for Something Better
The message is from Hebrews 10:26-39. “In a very sobering way, the writer of Hebrews presents his 4th (and perhaps strongest) warning to his audience: those who deliberately make a practice of sin will face the holy judgment of God. On the flip side, Christians who endure in their faith do so because they believe God has saved them unto something better.
Is Seeing Necessary for Believing?
The message is from John 20:1-31. In John 20 we read the account of Jesus’ resurrection. What’s interesting is that no one in the story believes that Jesus is alive unless they see evidence. With grace and truth, Jesus kindly leads these individuals into “resurrection belief.” What about us and all the others who are thousands of years and thousands of miles removed from that event? We weren’t there to see anything! Jesus has a word for us as well.
Jesus Helps Us Serve During Hard Times
What Should the Church Do During "Covid" Times? - Part 2
Hebrews Directs Us During "Covid" Times
Jesus, The Sacrifice
Christian, Your Sin Got the Smack-Down
The message is taken from Hebrews 9:23-28. Don't you love to see sin in society silenced? It seems to hardly ever happen (which is why we love to see it!). Well, at the end of Hebrews 9, we see that Jesus has dealt with sin in us. Sin has been silenced, put away, defeated...sin got the smack-down. Enjoy Jesus' work!