"A Better Priest and a Better Covenant" from Hebrews 8. In Hebrews 8 the author explains to us how Jesus is a better priest than the priests of the old covenant. We also see that God brings His people into a better new covenant relationship through Jesus.
Jesus, Our Perfect High Priest
Jesus is Able to Save
A Helpful Encouragement
A Helpful Warning
The message is taken from Hebrews 5:11-6:8. Every wise parent cautions his/her children about dangerous pitfalls in life. The author of Hebrews does the same for his audience by presenting the pitfall of spiritual immaturity. As any good parent, he also shares the truth that will avoid this disaster.
Jesus: The Source of Salvation
The Supremacy of Jesus
This message is taken from Colossians 1:15-20. In a culture where so many urgent matters press in on us, we need to be reminded of this staggering truth. This is why the Apostle sought to exalt in the most compelling way possible the majesty, the sovereignty, the glorious eternality of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah, the Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Who is Jesus?...Our Savior, Christ the Lord
Who is Jesus? - Part 2
Who is Jesus?
The message is taken from Matthew 2:1-12. As Christmas draws near we need to ask ourselves the question, “Who is Jesus?” In our passage we’ll see that Jesus is King and explore the significance of that identity. But then we’ll see that His identity brings two very different responses and will leave us asking the question, “How will we respond to Him as King?”
The Attributes of God - Part 4 "God is Just"
The message is taken from Romans 3:21-26. Many people ask the following question when it comes to the justice of God: "How is God just when He wipes out whole groups of people in the Old Testament? How is He just when He floods the whole earth and leaves only 8 survivors? Or even pictures in the book of Revelation? Sheesh...seems harsh!" In our study on the justice of God we will see how He demonstrates justice in both punishing and forgiving sin.
The Attributes of God - Part 3 "God is Love"
The Attributes of God - Part 2 "The Mercy of God"
The Attributes of God - Part 1
The message is taken from Psalm 99. You’ve heard it said by some, “I can’t accept the God of the Old Testament. He is too harsh and wrathful for me.” For the next few weeks we will look at several attributes of God beginning with His holiness. We will see a picture of God who came to us in Jesus and is consistent yesterday, today, and forever.
Truth for a Deceptive World
The message is taken from 2 Timothy 3:13-16. Last week came to a natural break in the study of Hebrews, and we’ll pick it up again in January. For the month of November Pastor Nate will be covering various Scriptural themes, and then in December we will be focusing on the coming of Jesus. This message continues the theme of the Word of God and shows how it prevents us from the deception of sin.
It's Alive!
The message is taken from Hebrews 4:11-14. Many Christians experience an on-going battle to believe whether or not God’s Word is helpful for every day life. In Hebrews 4:12 we read that it is alive and effective for our souls. In this passage we will see how it fits into the context and applies to our weekday life.
Strive to Enter the Rest
The message is taken from Hebrews 4:1-11. Through the author of Hebrews God tells us to continue striving until we have reached our rest. Just as Israel was called to believe God and persevere until they reached a time of rest in Canaan, we too are called to believe Him and persevere until we reach our rest.
The Warning from the Wilderness
The message is taken from Hebrews 3:7-19. The author of Hebrews will use a negative example to push us toward a positive course of action. Are we, as individuals and as a community, battling to remain faithful to Jesus? Or will we, like the wilderness generation, slide into unbelief? By viewing the example of the past, the author is calling us to evaluation in the present to ensure faithfulness for the future.
Consider Jesus...Who Was Faithful
The message is taken from Hebrews 3:1-6. Is there someone in your life whom you think about or admire or pattern your life after? In connection with the greatness of heroes, the writer of Hebrews lifts our eyes to Jesus who eclipses all people. And, if we keep our highest admiration for Him, we will indeed hold fast to the end.