"Jesus Tasted Death for Everyone" from Hebrews 2:5-9. In each section of Hebrews, the author gives us a different perspective of Jesus' greatness. Up to this point in our study the focus has been on Jesus' deity, but this week we begin to look at the implication of his humanity, the side of him that we can really relate to.
Pay Close Attention - Part 2
This message is from Hebrews 2:1-4. There are warning signs on the highways that guide you toward safety and away from catastrophe. There are also warning signs from God that guide us as Christians. We will study the first warning in Hebrews 2 and see how it points us forward to our final destination.
Pay Close Attention - Part 1
Worship of the Lion-like Lamb
Assurance - Part 6 "God Secures"
Assurance - Part 5 "From Groaning to Glory"
This message is from Romans 8:26-30. The Apostle Paul addressed the despair of living in a fallen world under the curse of sin, then offered two glorious encouragements that every believer should wrap himself in a protective cloak: the Spirit of God carries our burdens to the throne room of God, and God is working good in our lives continually. Expect to be inspired and uplifted by this message.
Assurance - Part 4 "Suffering that Leads to Assurance"
Assurance - Part 3 "The Spirit of Adoption"
The message title is "Assurance - Part 3: The Spirit of Adoption" from Romans 8:12-17. The Spirit of God has the unique ministry of indwelling Christians and affirming our relationship to God as our heavenly Father. The privilege of assurance in these moments is once again based on what God has done, not on what we do.
Assurance - Part 2 "The Spirit vs The Flesh"
This message is from Romans 8:5-13. In this next section of Romans 8, Paul describes the effectual work of the Spirit versus the work of the flesh. We absolutely need the Spirit because those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But if we have the Spirit, we can put sin to death and experience union with Christ.
Assurance of Salvation - Part 1
The Price of Gospel Advance
When Jesus Stopped a Storm
This message is from Matthew 8:23-27. The same Jesus who stilled the storm on Galilee…who demonstrated that he has complete control over the powers of nature, is the Jesus who never leaves us or forsakes us. He is always in the back of our boat, always ready to intervene when we cry out to the God of heaven for help.
The LORD is My Strength and Shield
A Portrait of the Gospel - Part 2
This message is from Philemon 8-25. Conflict is a real part of life. Because of sin, there will always be need for reconciliation in our marriages, in our families, and in our church. In Part 2 we’ll consider the conflict between Onesimus and Philemon and seek to answer the question, “How does the gospel lead to reconciliation?”
A Portrait of the Gospel - Part 1
This message is from Philemon 1-25. In Paul’s New Testament letters we read about the gospel; he defines it, explains it, and applies it. However, in the letter to Philemon he doesn’t do any of that. Instead he shows us how the gospel is lived. In particular, he shows us how the gospel is lived out in relationships with others and especially in situations of conflict.
A Dedicated Life
The Path to Holiness
The Day of Atonement
This message is from Leviticus 16. The mountain peak to the book of Leviticus is chapter 16 which outlines the day of atonement. Aaron sacrifices a goat and sends another out into the wilderness to symbolically carry away the sins of the people. As we follow the Biblical trail of sacrifice we arrive at Hebrews 9-10 where we see the better, once-and-for-all sacrifice given to us from God.
Clean Yourself Up!
This message is from Leviticus 11-15. Why did God institute certain rules about food and bodily cleaning for the Jews? What’s the point of eating animals that split the hoof and chew the cud, examining leprosy with a priest, and dealing with discharges in Leviticus? It all points back to the holiness of God. We’ll once again get the big picture idea and see how it applies to us who are in the New Covenant.
Separated Unto God
This message is from Leviticus 8-10. As the book of Leviticus unfolds, the worshiper realizes that God must be “sanctified (set apart) and glorified” in every area of life. We could say it this way: “All of who I am, from head to toe, is to be given over to the Lord.” That is more easily said than done. Thankfully, there is a Man who has been perfect for us.