This message is from Exodus 40:34-35 and Leviticus 1:1. This is the first message in a six week study of Leviticus. By working through this book, we are going to better understand the holiness of God ad the final sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. If you are intimidated or skeptical about a study in Leviticus, welcome to the crowd.
Ministry is Glorious: Rely on His Strength
The Resurrection of Jesus
The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus - Part 2
The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus - Part 1
This message is from 1 Peter 2:18-25. Resurrection Sunday, the day that we especially celebrate the empty tomb and Jesus’ victory over death, is fast approaching. In this message we will study the impact of Jesus’ life for both Christians and non-Christians. Next week is the death of Jesus, and the following week (Easter) is the resurrection of Jesus.
Commissioned by Christ
The message is from Matthew 28:18-20. Matthew 28 has long been the hallmark passage of Missions. Jesus’ command to go and make disciples has compelled thousands of people to go and share the Good News to gospel destitute locations. But what is the significance of this passage for us? Why should we make disciples? These are the questions that will be answered in this message.
You Will Be My Witnesses - Part 4
You Will Be My Witnesses - Part 3
You Will Be My Witnesses - Part 2
The message is from Acts 13:1-12. After the Lord called Barnabas and Saul to missions, they acted upon that call. It wasn’t easy. In fact, they were met with opposition right off the bat. Yet, through their obedience God fulfilled His good purposes. When given an opportunity from the Lord, are you willing to go forward with it…even if it’s hard?
You Will Be My Witnesses - Part 1
Prayer for the Mission
The message is taken from Ephesians 6:18-24. Ever intimidated by sharing The Gospel with others? It appears Paul was too because he asks for prayer that he would be bold in this area. "What do we make of this?" and "how is it to be applied?" will be the bulk of the sermon as we wrap up our study on Ephesians.
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
The message is taken from Ephesians 6:18. Christians experience continual, spiritual warfare because Satan does not take holidays or vacations. Our battle rages on, and in light of that God gives us one more way to engage in war: prayer. We'll be studying what the Bible has to say about the important practice of prayer.
Standing in His Strength - Part 3
Standing in His Strength - Part 2
This message is taken from Ephesians 6:10-18. Satan is full of nasty deception, using countless schemes of attack in spiritual warfare. He’s going after the jugular vein of our faith in Christ. In this passage we learn how to stand firm and how to fight back in battle with the victory-giving armor God provides.
Standing in His Strength - Part 1
Everyday Work for God - Part 2
The message is, "Everyday Work for God” - Part 2 from Ephesians 6:5-9. Each Christian is called to render his/her service to the Lord (Ephesians 6:7), meaning that whatever task God has given to you today is to be done unto the Lord. We’ll look at how everyday work is meaningful to and encouraged by God.
Everyday Work for God - Part 1
This message is taken from Ephesians 6:5-9. Experiencing discontentment with your day-to-day work? Wondering if there is anything significant to the thousands of hours you spend in a lifetime on your daily tasks? Is God using this for a lasting purpose? Why should I even work? We will be answering these question in this two part series on work.
God Centered Worship in 2019
What is Christmas All About?
Pastor Nate's Missions Trip Recap
Pastor Nate and Jim Murphy, recently returned from a visit to Phil Hunt (Zambia) and Doug Frye (Portugal), recap their visit, ministry, and impressions of God’s work through Lakeshore Baptist’s missionaries.