Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Great Expectations" from Isaiah 11:1-5.  Two thousand years ago the people of God desperately longed for the Messiah to come.  His arrival would mark the beginning of a new era characterized by freedom and peace.  Today, the advent season not only reminds us of Christ's first coming, but also causes us to desperately long for (and expect) His second coming. Oh, how we will be set free! 

Promise, Law, and Faith

Promise, Law, and Faith

Sunday Morning...Pastor Nate brings the message, "Promise, Law, and Faith" from Galatians 3:15-22.  How often do we come to our personal Bible reading and gloss over a section of Scripture because it seems to be irrelevant to everyday life?  At first glance, our next section in Galatians might feel that way.  But there are jewels of truth to be obtained in this passage.  Pray that God will give us a blessing from His Word through this passage.

The Blessing of Abraham

The Blessing of Abraham

Pastor Nate brings the message, "The Blessing of Abraham" from Galatians 3:6-14.  As we move into the doctrinal section of Galatians, Paul unpacks the theology of the Gospel by using the OT character of Abraham.  He was a man who believed what God had promised, and God blessed him accordingly.  The connection that Paul makes is that we have been given the promise of Christ, and if we live by faith in Him, we are one of Abraham's sons, receiving the blessing.  What is that blessing?  You'll see it in this passage.

Perseverance in Prayer

Perseverance in Prayer

Our pastoral assistant for youth, Stephen Ellison, brings the message, “Perseverance in Prayer” from Luke 18:1-8. Prayer is one of the easiest areas of the Christian walk to grow discouraged in when we don’t see results as soon as we’d like, but Scripture instructs us to not grow tired of continuing to ask of God. Jesus reminds us that our loving Father desires for us to be diligent in bringing our requests to Him, and He loves to provide for those that belong to Him.

The Truth of the Gospel - Part 2

The Truth of the Gospel - Part 2

Pastor Nate brings the message, “The Truth of the Gospel” - Part 2,  from Galatians 2:14-21.  As we continue our sermon series in Galatians, it’s clear that Paul’s great desire is for People to accurately understand the Gospel.  As it was then, so it is now…some are teaching that belief in good works is what saves a person.  What a hopeless outlook in life!  The Bible teaches us that we are sinners, that Christ died in our place, and that belief in Him alone is what saves us from hell.  So, the Gospel is not belief in good works.  It’s belief in Jesus.

The Truth of the Gospel - Part 1

The Truth of the Gospel - Part 1

Pastor Nate brings the message, “The Truth of the Gospel” - Part 1.  Even the best of Christians leaders will at times fall into the “fear-of-man” trap.  In this next section in Galatians, Paul uses failure of Peter and Barnabas as a platform to begin teaching on justification.  Paul’s point is that we certainly will not be justified in God’s eyes by works that impress others but rather by faith in Jesus.

Accepted by the Apostles

Accepted by the Apostles

Pastor Nate brings the message, “Accepted by the Apostles.”  Some of the early churches planted by Paul were later deceived by false teachers who claimed that circumcision was needed for salvation.  In Galatians, Paul is responding with the message that salvation comes by faith alone in Christ alone.  But the question is: “Why should we believe you, Paul?”  That question is what Paul is answering in chapters 1-2 of Galatians.

Divine Destiny

Divine Destiny

Pastor Andy brings the message, “Divine Destiny” from Acts 8:26-40.  Luke records the meeting between Philip and an Ethiopian.  And the closer we read, we realize, “This cannot be just coincidence!”  This study will help us to better understand God’s divine destiny for Philip and for the Ethiopian.  And, for us today.

Confidence in the LORD - Part 2

Confidence in the LORD - Part 2

Pastor Nate brings the message, “Confidence in the LORD” - Part 2.  Since Christians have the privilege of coming to God in prayer we should study the Psalms which include both helpful examples and rich theology concerning prayer.  Last week’s sermon from Psalm 20 taught us that we should trust in God because of who He is and seek His glory to be on display with our prayer requests.  This message shows how God answered David’s request and how focusing on the glory of God helps us with prayer.