God's Creation, God's Word, God's People

God's Creation, God's Word, God's People

Pastor Nate brings the message, “God’s Creation, God’s Word, God’s People.”  Psalm 19 speaks of God’s creation and His Word.  Creation declares not only God’s existence, but also His glory.  God’s Word powerfully guides us through everyday life and declares Jesus as the one and only Savior.  The response to God, the creator and author of scripture should be humility and surrender at the deepest parts of who we are.

Is God Enough for You?

Is God Enough for You?

Pastor Nate brings the message, “Is God Enough for You?  When the trial delivers a major blow to your life is God enough for you?  We know the correct, Sunday-school answer to that question, but does our heart confidently answer, “Yes, God is enough!”  In Psalm 18 David leads us through various aspects of God’s nature that will bolster our faith for the coming week to endure through the trials and believe that God is enough.

Vindication from the Lord

Vindication from the Lord

Pastor Andy brings the message, “Vindication from the Lord” from Psalm 17.  When we walk in fellowship with God, we expect God’s favor to be on us.  But what happens when we find ourselves in fellowship with Him and experiencing difficulty?  Where do we turn?  Psalm 17 gives voice to the person caught in the storm of unjust treatment and points us to our supreme Advocate, God Himself.

The Lord is My Chosen Portion

The Lord is My Chosen Portion

Pastor Nate brings the message, “The Lord is My Chosen Portion” from Psalm 16.  There are several Biblical steps we can take when we find ourselves in fearful crises such as praying for deliverance or trusting in God’s sovereignty.  Or, as we see in Psalm 16, we can consider whether or not the greatest gift is still ours in the moment of crisis.  Psalm 16 will encourage us to see that when all seems to be in peril, we still have God.

Fellowship with God

Fellowship with God

Pastor Nate brings the message, “Fellowship with God” from Psalm 15.  How must we live to enjoy fellowship with God?  That’s the question that David asks in Psalm 15, and it’s not one of legalism.  It’s a question grounded in love for God.  Psalm 15 gives us an insight into regular disciplines we an pursue in order to enjoy our relationship with God.

Rekindle Your Affection

 Rekindle Your Affection

Pastor Luke brings the message, “Rekindle Your Affection” from Revelation 2:1-7.  In the first of Jesus' letters to the churches in Revelation he commends and confronts the Ephesians. They cared deeply about theology and morality, but they had a deep deficiency -- they lacked love for Jesus. We too can be like the Ephesians, doing much for the sake of Jesus' name yet all the while having a heart that is cold toward him. As we come to this passage, it is our hope that Jesus would help us rekindle our affection for him. 

God's Faithfulness: He Keeps His Promises

God's Faithfulness:  He Keeps His Promises

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God's Faithfulness:  He Keeps His Promises.” The book of Numbers starts with Israel leaving Sinai and wraps up with Israel ready to enter into the Promised Land. It took 40 long years for them to make that trip (due to their complaining), yet God was just as faithful at the end as He was at the beginning. Sometimes the journey seems long and hard, but Numbers reminds us that God is going to fulfill His promise to bring us home.

God's Faithfulness: God Protects His People

God's Faithfulness: God Protects His People

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God's Faithfulness:  God Protects His People."  Do children realize how much protection their parents provide?  In the story of Numbers 22-25 we see the enemies of Israel scheming to secretly destroy them.  However, God, Israel's Father, who is all-knowing and all-powerful prevents a disaster from ever happening.  In like manner, our heavenly Father continues to protect His children and secure our eternal salvation.

God's Faithfulness: New Beginnings in the Wilderness

God's Faithfulness: New Beginnings in the Wilderness

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God’s Faithfulness: New Beginnings in the Wilderness” from Numbers 20-21. After wandering in the wilderness for forty years, the generation characterized by unbelief has nearly died off. A new generation is now ready to trust God and live in obedience to His Word. It’s an era of hope and new beginnings…not because the challenges are going to get easier, but because God is the object of their faith.

God's Faithfulness: Rebellion in the Wilderness

God's Faithfulness: Rebellion in the Wilderness

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God’s Faithfulness: Rebellion in the Wilderness.” In Numbers 13-19 Moses shows us some of the darker days of Israel’s early history where complaining attitudes led to rebellious actions. Would God just sweep it under the rug as though it never happened? Of course not. He brought judgment, but with the judgment He also gave an opportunity for repentance. Are you willing to live with the consequences of your past sin and still walk in repentance?

God's Faithfulness: Complaining in the Wilderness

God's Faithfulness: Complaining in the Wilderness

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God’s Faithfulness: Complaining in the Wilderness.” Israel’s journey to the Promised Land started well. At first the people were generally obedient, but it didn’t take long for the wheels to start falling off. What should have been a short 2-4 week journey turned into a 40-year wandering in the wilderness. Why did God extend their time? They gave themselves over to grumbling and complaining.

God's Faithfulness: Worship in the Wilderness

God's Faithfulness: Worship in the Wilderness

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God’s Faithfulness: Worship in the Wilderness.” This message begins a six-part series in the book of Numbers. The overarching theme focuses on God’s faithfulness to His covenant, with different sections of the book calling for a response from God’s people. This message covers the first ten chapters and applies the principle that life as a Christian must be centered around God.

A Seismic Crisis

A Seismic Crisis

Pastor Andy brings the message, "A Seismic Crisis” from Psalm 11. Hypothetically, what if you faced a crisis that caused your whole world to shake? Where would you turn? What would you hold on to? In Psalm 11, David is not facing hypotheticals, he is facing foundation shattering events. As we look into his response, we want to imitate him in seeking ultimate refuge in the righteous Judge.

Conclusion to Mark

Conclusion to Mark

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Conclusion to Mark.” Have you ever noticed the little footnotes when you read Mark 16:9 that say something like “not in the earliest manuscripts”? In this message Nate explains the meaning and significance of that note in the first half of the sermon. The second half of the sermon focuses on the encouragement of Jesus’ finished work as presented in the Gospel of Mark.

Jesus Risen

Jesus Risen

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Jesus Risen.” The resurrection of Jesus delivers joy to a world plagued by hopelessness and despair. The resurrection sends a loud and clear message: life will not always be this way. Jesus, who died, is now alive. And those who believe in Him will share in His eternal life.

Jesus Dead

Jesus Dead

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Jesus Dead.” When it was obvious that Jesus was dead, a man named Joseph of Arimathea publicly stepped forward, took down the corpse, and buried it in his tomb. Such an act was a bold demonstration of faith and identity. How does your commitment to Jesus look to a world that has pretty much written Him off as dead?

Jesus Forsaken

Jesus Forsaken

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Jesus Forsaken.” When the hour of crucifixion came the crowds, religious leaders, and even the criminals taunted Jesus: “If you’re the Christ, save yourself!” And yet, Jesus’ mission was not to save Himself, but to give Himself as a ransom for many. Chris willingly remained on the cross and was forsaken by God so that we could be saved.