This message is taken from Matthew 1:18-25. With Christmas right around the corner, we want to focus on the coming of Jesus. Joseph was shocked with a pregnancy he had nothing to do with, yet obediently followed God’s bigger plan to save His people (that’s you and me!) from their sin.
Wayne's World
God's Word for Fathers
Four Tests for Believers
The Lord's Home
The Covenant of Marital Sex
Christ in Ephesians
Marriage - Part 2; Husband: Love Your Wife
This message is taken from Ephesians 5:25-33. When it comes to the way they relate to their wives, husbands tend to fall into three categories: resentment, respect, or love. Husband, God has given you a clear path to follow in regards to your marriage: love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
Marriage - Part 1; The Spirit of a Wife Before the Lord
The Life of Spirit-Filled Christians
You Have Need for Endurance
You Are Light!
The message is taken from Ephesians 5:7-14. Where would you be today if the light of Christ had not shined on your heart and life? Christ is still shining His light through believers into darkness, and it is our prayer that we would see darkness around us become light! Are we faithfully reflecting His light?
Do Not Be Deceived About Sexual Sin
The message is taken from Ephesians 5:1-7. If you were given a chance to exhort Christians (or even the world) concerning the seriousness of sexual immorality, what argument would you give? In this message we see Paul making the most succinct statements; and, they are weighty, attention-getting, and definitely helpful.