
Filtering by: Men

BUILD Men's Conference 2020
to Feb 22

BUILD Men's Conference 2020

  • Google Calendar ICS

Jonathan Leeman is the conference speaker. He is the editorial director for 9Marks. After doing undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science, Jonathan began his career in journalism where he worked as an editor for an international economics magazine in Washington, D. C. Since his call to ministry, Jonathan has earned a master of divinity and a Ph.D. in theology and worked as an interim pastor.

Today he edits the 9Marks series of books as well as the 9Marks Journal. He has written for a number of publications and is the author or editor of a number books.

Jonathan lives with his wife and four daughters in a suburb of Washington, DC and serves as an elder at Cheverly Baptist Church. He teaches for a number of seminaries, including The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Reformed Theological Seminary.

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2018 BUILD Men's Conference - Deep Gospel
to Feb 24

2018 BUILD Men's Conference - Deep Gospel

  • Google Calendar ICS

We sell our faith and our Father short by believing too little in the gospel and by believing in a gospel that is too little! At this conference, over the course of three sessions, we will take a deeper look at three important aspects of Christ’s finished work on the cross and out of the tomb. These truths reflect the glory of his love and the gospel power given to us that we might know God and make him known.

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