April 2024

Released Time

Our Released Time classes have officially wrapped up for this school year.  We ended the year with a pizza party in each class, a review of the year's lessons, and a gospel invitation.  We are trusting the Lord to use the teaching of his word this year to change hearts and win children to a saving knowedge of him!

In our previous report, we mentioned that we were reaching out to a new school in Muskegon Heights.  I am happy to report that God has opened the door for us to add Dr. MLK Elementary this fall!  Two other schools in the Heights are in the works, so stay tuned....

Book Clubs

Our book clubs have also wrapped up for this year.  We had a combined meeting of the clubs in which we enjoyed a meal together, reviewed the last book of the year, and then voted on our favorite book for the year.  The overall pick was The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic. by Jennifer Trafton.  The book was a rich allegory that illustrated the different ways people respond when they are presented with truth.  We challenged each of the students to evaluate how they are responding in their own lives to the truth of the gospel.

We are in the process of compiling our book list for the summer.  Although we don't meet in person over the summer, the students do have the opportunity to read these books and receive camp coupons for their efforts. fulfills that need through Christ for eternity.

Summer Ministry

The first summer ministry event on the horizon is our Day Camp.  We have almost 20 students signed up already, and have been asking the Lord to provide us with 75 students this year.  Over 20 people have already volunteered to help in some fashion during the week, and we are SO EXCITED for what God will do.  Please pray for our speaker, Brian Harmon, as he prepares, and that God would bring us students who need to hear and respond to the gospel message.

Our Adventure Camp follows in July, and we are almost half way to capacity already!  CBM missionaries from Georgia, Luke & Justus Milam, will be coming up to help us run the camp and Luke will also be our speaker.  Luke has a lot of experience running adventure camps, and will be a huge asset to us as we reach these young campers with the gospel.

Below, you will find a list of some needed items for our camps.  If you are in our area and can help with any of these, please let us know! 

You can find out more (or register your campers) by visiting the links below:

Event Calendar

Here are some ministry (and personal) events coming up this summer.  Prayers are appreciated!

May 17 : Justin's Wedding

June 17-21 : Day Camp

July 6th : Emily's Wedding

July 15-17 : Adventure Camp

July 22-26 : VBS at Lakeshore Baptist Church

August 12-16 VBS at 2nd Church, Grand Haven

August 18 - Outreach event, 2nd Church, Grand Haven

August 24 - Grand Haven Community Baptist Family Day outreach event

Prayer Requests

Would you take a few minutes right now to celebrate and intercede for us?


We have a new School in Muskegon Heights in the fall with the possibility of two additional ones.

Camp sign-ups are coming in strong.

God has provided almost all our summer staff volunteer needs.


Pray for productive Released Time promotions that result in signups in the fall!

Pray for the campers who will be attending our summer camp events, and some who will be hearing the gospel possibly for the first time.  Pray that God would provide a great harvest!

Pray for our two children who are getting married this summer.

Closing Thoughts

As we look forward to our summer, it can be overwhelming - two out-of-state weddings, two big camp events, and helping with VBS and outreach events at a few of our supporting churches.  Although it makes for a busy summer, we are humbled that God has allowed us to serve the youth of our community and to share with them the good news of the gospel.  We are so grateful for your support and prayers - we honestly don't know how we could do it without you!


Links and other information

CBM National Website

Lakeshore Student Ministries






Todd: 616-780-7560

Carla: 616-780-0267

Office: 616-607-7006

Online Giving




Local Ministry 

Lakeshore Student Ministries

PO Box 551

Grand Haven, MI  49417

National Office (support)


PO Box 278

160 Bear Lodge Drive 

Townsend, TN 37882

The Witters

419 River Street

Spring Lake, MI 49456