June/July 2024
Summer Ministry
What a summer!
It has been a very busy, but very fruitful summer for Lakeshore Student Ministries!
In June, we partnered with Nortonville Gospel Chapel for our 2nd annual Day Camp. We had 66 campers over the course of five days, six of which professed faith in Christ for the very first time! Almost 30 volunteers gave of their time and energy to make this a successful event. We were blessed to have Brian Harmon of Open Air Campaigners provide the bible teaching. It was incredibly HOT, but our campers had a fantastic week packed with activities, electives, bible teaching, theme days, hay ride, water day, competitions, and all around outdoor fun! Pray for growth and encouragement for these six new believers
In July, we hosted our very first adventure camp! This three-day, two-night adventure was hosted in Nunica by a local farmer who allowed us use of wooded area on his property. The conditions were rustic - no electricity and no running water. Despite pouring rain on our first night (and sheltering in a barn with "the bats"), memories were made and great friendships were formed. Luke Milam, fellow missionary with CBM, provided the bible teaching and much of the programming for the event. We are already making plans for a "bigger and better" adventure next year - stay tuned :)
On a personal level, it has also been a very busy summer. Two of our children got married, and a third got engaged! Our hearts are full!!!
Will & Emily
July 6, 2024
Greenville, SC
Released Time
Justin & Fallen
May 17, 2024
Jefferson, PA
We are expanding our reach this fall with two new schools (Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary and Spring Lake Middle School). Two additional schools in Muskegon Heights are also in the works. Registrations are ALREADY coming in. Click here to see if Released Time is offered at your school, or visit www.cbmwmi.org/rtreg.
Book Clubs
Book Clubs begin again in September! We are continuing our two clubs in Spring Lake and Hudsonville, and also hoping to expand to a third location as well. Do you know someone who might be interested? Click here to learn more or sign up today, or visit www.cbmwmi.org/bookclub.
Event Calendar
Here are a few upcoming events we'd appreciate prayers for:
August 12-16 : Supporting 2nd Church in Grand Haven with their VBS program
August 18 : Supporting 2nd Church Community Block Party
August 24 : Supporting Grand Haven Community Baptist Family Day
Brandon & Nayab
July 25, 2024
Denver, CO
September 12 : Book Club fall kick-off
October : Released Time Classes begin!
Prayer Requests
Would you take a few minutes right now to celebrate and intercede for us?
- Six of our day-campers trusted Christ as Savior! Pray for their spiritual growth in the coming year.
- We have raised $17,000 for the purchase of a van for transportation of our released time students. Now that our busy summer has passed, pray as we search in earnest for a vehicle we can use beginning in October!
- Our personal support level needs a little boost. Pray as we reach out to potential donors.
- One of our adventure campers needs some discipleship. Pray that we can have an impact on his life, and that we would make good connections with both he and his parents
- Pray for creative ways to connect with families in our area, and to promote our Released Time program.
Closing Thoughts
Once again, we are SO GRATEFUL for your support and encouragement! It has been a great summer! We are now moving our thoughts and efforts into preparing for Released Time and Book Clubs. Please pray for wisdom as we promote and plan. Stay tuned...
Links and other information
Todd: 616-780-7560
Carla: 616-780-0267
Office: 616-607-7006
Online Giving
Local Ministry
Lakeshore Student Ministries
PO Box 551
Grand Haven, MI 49417
National Office (support)
PO Box 278
160 Bear Lodge Drive
Townsend, TN 37882
The Witters
419 River Street
Spring Lake, MI 49456
© 2024 CBM Lakeshore Student Ministries. All rights reserved.