Shiel Update

"Sin, regeneration, justification by Christ's righteousness, the cross & the love of God, assurance of salvation- these are the truths that once changed nations, they are the message that turned the world upside down."

― Iain Murray; The Old Evangelicalism

Prayer Requests:

-Authentic, deep relationships at Emmanuel Baptist Church, as we intend to settle there
-That Ryan & Joseph would strive to faithfully evangelize the 15 Somali suburbs within Nairobi
-Prospective team members joining the work
-That we would prize Christ, above worldly things

Dearest family and friends,

We are humbled and grateful to the Lord to be writing this update letter from our apartment in Nairobi. After nearly of month of searching, the Lord opened the door for what we felt was the most strategic, hospitable, and family friendly place. 

Although living in close proximity to Somalis rarely means long-term stability, we did pick out this apartment with the hopes of raising our family here, making a warm meal for you when you visit us, and being a place of familial comfort and refuge for those Brethren who will need the embrace of a new Christian family. 

One of the main draws to this particular apartment building was its proximity to the largest Somali neighborhood in Nairobi— about a 10 minute walk. If you glimpse out from the south side of the apartment, there you can see the high-rises, street lights, and minarets of what weighs so heavy on our hearts, for there Jesus is spoken of as just a prophet, and Christ’s free offer of His righteousness is mocked by men insisting they can attain their own.

Statistics, stereotypes, and new stories surround these people which, if you are swayed by all of those, can leave one cowering in fear, at best, or at worst, hardened. 

Scaffolding accompanies many of the buildings on the horizon of this neighborhood. I read a Hudson Taylor quote recently. Concerning missions and missionaries in China, he said, “I look on foreign missionaries as the scaffolding around a rising building; the sooner it can be dispensed with, the better— or rather, the sooner it can be transferred to other places, to serve the same temporary purpose.” 

Erecting buildings in East Africa can often look a bit like time standing still— you might see the same wooden poles and safety nets accessorizing the would-be building for years, progress seemingly unchanged. I imagine the Gospel going forth in these places might be a bit like that— some support needed in places longer than others, until such a time as the Lord would add to the numbers of Somali Christians. I think of this neighborhood with its inhabitants, and how there doesn't even seem to be a metaphorical building for the scaffolding to support. Oh Lord, we believe, help our unbelief

Do pray that the Lord would give us the stamina to stay, and all confidence in Him alone as He builds what cannot be torn down, rusted, or destroyed.

In Christ,
Ryan, Samantha, & Titus


The largest Somali neighborhood in Nairobi

Reunited with our teammates and their children

Titus spying on the kids playing soccer below :)

Visiting old friends from Mombasa!

We have another exciting announcement!

Can you guess what it is? :)

Hint: Read the shirt

Thank you for your partnership in bringing the Gospel to the Somali people. 

Donate here

To send a check:

Payable to: "IBM Global"
Memo: "Shiel"
Mail to:

10 Craftsman Lane
Amherst, NH 03031

Our American mailing address is:
PO Box 847
Yellville, Arkansas 72687