Pastor Nate brings the message, "Who is Jesus?” This sermon covers Mark 3:7-15 in which the demons, Jesus’ family, and the religious leaders give their understanding of who Jesus is. But in the end, It’s Jesus who asks a question to all of us…a question that is explained in this sermon.
Sabbath, Savior, and Saints
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Sabbath, Savior, and Saints" from Mark 2. This sermon wraps up a series of exchanges that Jesus has with antagonizing religious leaders. The leaders believe Jesus should practice Sabbath rest according to their law. But as is so often the case, Jesus has a different approach. One that challenges the status quo.
Sinners are Welcome
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Sinners Are Welcome" from Mark 2. The invitation to the kingdom of God goes out, and the Pharisees are shocked at who is on the invite list. Jesus, however, makes it clear His kingdom is for sinners and anyone who would hear this call. It's "out with the old, in with the new."
"Who Can Forgive Sins?"
"Who Can Forgive Sins?" from Mark 2:1-12. Having just performed three sets of miracles in chapter 1 that have drawn crowds of people, Jesus carries out a fourth miracle that is climactic in nature. It stirs up controversy with the religious leaders but reinforces the truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.
The Call to the Kingdom
Pastor Nate brings the message, "The Call to the Kingdom.” As Jesus’ ministry begins, His call to the kingdom is simple: repent and believe. But are we supposed to blindly believe in Jesus? Is there any proof that He is a reliable king whom we can trust? As we proceed into chapter 1, Mark presents several stories that definitively answer the question.
The Beginning of the Gospel
Pastor Nate brings the message, "The Beginning of the Gospel.” With this message we begin a new series in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 1:1-13), where the beginning of Jesus’ ministry is presented for us. There are rich developments in this little section that pull from Old Testament themes, showing how Jesus is the fulfillment of the Hebrew prophets.
What is a Local Church? Part 3
What is a Local Church? Part 2
Pastor Nate brings the message, “What is a Local Church?” - Part 2. Last Sunday we covered 2 essential characteristics for a local church: 1) That we be Christians who value the Gospel; and, 2) That we physically gather together. This week we cover the Biblical arguments and applications for church membership. Then, next Sunday we will look at the need for gospel preaching and the ordinances. Also, if you want to begin reading and studying the Gospel of Mark, that series starts soon.
What is a Local Church?
Pastor Nate brings the message, “What is a Local Church?” Covid and contemporary thinking have heavily influenced the way many people are currently thinking about the local church. Yet, what does the Bible say about the local church? For the next 2-3 weeks we will be studying this topic. After this series is finished, we plan to walk through the Gospel of Mark.
Worthy of All Worship
Joy to the World - Part 3
Joy to the World - Part 2
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Joy to the World” - Part 2. As we continue our Advent series, we study the passage of Isaiah 7. The familiar phrase is, “Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel,” but this message covers the surrounding material and shows how God gives this promise to encourage the disheartened.
Joy to the World - Part 1
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Joy to the World” - Part 1. This message begins our advent series as we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ. Back in Genesis 22 the angel of the Lord made a promise to Abraham that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Over 2,000 years later that particular promise was fulfilled in Christ, and the blessing of salvation is ours to treasure.
The End of the Matter
Rejoice and Remember, Young Man!
Pastor Nate brings the message from Ecclesiastes 11-12. As Solomon begins his closing statements to the book of Ecclesiastes, he specifically addresses young people with several nuggets of wisdom. In Sunday's sermon, we'll take the same approach by encouraging young people to pursue Biblical joy and to remember their Creator.
Moving On...Wisely!
Seize the Day!
Equipped with the Promises
Pastor Luke brings the message, "Equipped with the Promises" from Acts 1:6-11. Jesus' last words to His disciples focused on the task of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Yet, in this daunting task, He provides three promises that equip us for what He has called us to. Those promises are the focus of this message.
Enjoying the Good Times During the Bad
Pastor Nate brings the message, "Enjoying the Good Times During the Bad." At the beginning of chapter 8 Solomon shares the wisdom that is needed when living with a less than ideal government and culture. Pretty pertinent for Christians. Last week Nate mentioned that we would make it through chapters 8-9, but he's taking that back and preaching on Ecclesiastes 8:1-15.
When Life Doesn't Make Sense
Pastor Nate brings the message, "When God Doesn’t Make Sense” from Ecclesiastes 7:15-29. Wouldn’t it be nice if life was like a recipe? Put in all the right ingredients, cook it up at the right temperature, and everything turns out well! Life isn’t that way, and Solomon vocalizes the confusion. That being said, how we should proceed “when life doesn’t make sense” is what we aim to understand .