The Majesty of God Revealed in Human Frailty

The Majesty of God Revealed in Human Frailty

Pastor Andy brings the message, "The Majesty of God Revealed in Human Frailty” from Psalm 8. What comes to mind when you consider the majesty of God? The Sun, moon, and stars? The expanse of the universe? In Psalm 8 to highlight the majesty of God, the psalmist draws our attention to the insignificant and unimpressive creature called “Man.” The wisdom of God’s plan to display His majesty through human frailty has far-reaching and eternal effects: it gave hope to David, to the people of Israel who were exiled and oppressed, and finally to all humanity through the Son of Man, Jesus.

God is the Judge: It's Going to Be Okay

God is the Judge: It's Going to Be Okay

Pastor Nate brings the message, "God Is the Judge: It’s Going to Be Okay.” As we turn to Psalm 7, David is again facing perilous times. In his cry to the Lord, David finds encouragement in the truth that God is a Refuge and Judge. That’s an interesting pair to put together as you consider safety…and eternal justice. There is a lot of moral turbulence going on in this world, but God’s perspective, Christians are going to be okay…and in all reality, much better than “okay.”

Dark Hours of God's Good Discipline

Dark Hours of God's Good Discipline

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Dark Hours of God’s Good Discipline:” from Psalm 6. As a father loves his child and provides discipline when needed, so God loves us, His children, and brings discipline into our lives. In Psalm 6 David is experiencing such a time in his life and pleads with God to bring it to an end. It is a penitential psalm that will help us understand God and place our hope in Him.

Deliverance from Deception

Deliverance from Deception

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Deliverance from Deception" from Psalm 5. For the next few weeks we will be studying various Psalms. They are filled with personal emotions that teach us how to express our hearts to God. In Psalm 5 David pours out his heart to God as people spread lies that effect him deeply. We then find how God can be trusted when others are deceptive.

What Are You Standing In?

What Are You Standing In?

Pastor Nate brings the message, "What Are You Standing In?" from 1 Peter 5:12-14. The giant redwoods in California can soar to over 350 feet in the air. Their massive trunks and branches can weigh millions of pounds. Only a strong root system could keep them standing. This is the last sermon in the book of 1 Peter. In his closing statement to the churches, Peter exhorts Christian exiles to stand firm in the grace of God.

A Life that is Holy and Pleasing to God

A Life that is Holy and Pleasing to God

Pastor Muri brings the message, "A Life That is Holy and Pleasing to God" from 2 Peter 3:14-18. On this 4th of July we look soberly toward the future of our country. Paul warned that as time went on things would get worse and worse, and that we should be lights in the gathering darkness. Today we look at a man who stood where we stand, held his ground, and won the praise of God and kings. This message is a word of encouragement and hope for distressing times.

What to Expect from Pastors

What to Expect from Pastors

Pastor Nate brings the message, "What to Expect from Pastors” from 1 Peter 5:1-4. Since Pentecost, God has graciously gathered His people into local churches for His glory. A major component of the church is the relationship between pastors and the congregation. How should shepherds conduct themselves in respect to the flock? And, what is the motivation for their conduct? In this passage we study God’s exhortation to pastors.

Living Biblically in a LGBTQ+World

Living Biblically in a LGBTQ+World

Pastor Nate will bring the message, "Living Biblically in a LGBTQ + World" from 1 Peter 4:1-4, 19. First Peter 4 taught us that followers of Christ move away from worldly practices even if it means suffering and rejection. In our society today we are experiencing the cultural agenda to promote unbiblical sexuality and Christians are often challenged by the following tension: how do we reject the practices and cultural agenda of unbiblical sexuality, yet love individuals as God would have us?

We Can Expect Suffering

We Can Expect Suffering

Pastor Nate brings this message from 1 Peter 4:12-19. Were you surprised when the sun came up this morning? Or when the water came out of the faucet? Or when the red light turned green on your way to work? We come to expect those occurrences in everyday life. As Christians, God tells us to expect suffering to come our way. How we should respond to that suffering is what we will learn from this study.

Arm Yourself

Arm Yourself

Pastor Nate brought the message, "Arm Yourself” from 1 Peter 4:1-11. How are Christians to live in a world that increasingly grows hostile toward them? Through Peter, God commands you to arm yourself with Christ's way of thinking, trust Him with ultimate justice, and to be encouraged that you have an alternate community, the church family, where love and encouragement should be readily found.

Suffering Under the Finished Work of Christ

Suffering Under the Finished Work of Christ

Pastor Nate brought the message, "Suffering Under the Finished Work of Christ" from 1 Peter 3:18-22. It is inevitable that Christians will suffer for their faith in Christ. In countries around the world some will suffer unto death, even today. Others will be cut off from family and friendships. Christians will lose out on promotions, perhaps even a job. Yet we continue to choose Christ, and this week Peter turns our attention to the finished work of our Savior as a motivation to press on in our loyalty to Him.

Fearless Suffering

Fearless Suffering

Pastor Nate brings the message, "Fearless Suffering” from 1 Peter 3:13-17. We hear about Christians in closed countries who are suffering, being persecuted, even killed for their faith. In the West we face some pushback from co-workers, family members, etc. that is mild in comparison. However, many Christians sense that a wave of opposition could be coming sooner rather than later. Thankfully, God’s Word gives us everything we need in order to face suffering, mild or extreme. This section in Peter equips us for fearless suffering.

The Biblical Path for Relationships

The Biblical Path for Relationships

Pastor Nate brings the message, "The Biblical Path for Relationships" from 1 Peter 3:8-12. How is the world doing in the area of relationships? Is it growing in peacefulness or hostility toward one another? What about relationships among Christians? The answer is pretty obvious, but thankfully God has given us what we need in His Word. This message is a study of the Biblical path that Christians must walk for our relationships inside and outside the church.

God, Our Hope

God, Our Hope

Pastor Luke brings the message, "God, Our Hope” from Psalm 46. When we go through difficulties in life, when uncertainties are present in our world, when it feels as though the world is falling apart, there is one word that is essential for helping us persevere - hope. Yet, not just any hope, but hope that is found in God. In this message we look at Psalm 46 to explore when and how God is our hope.