The message title is "Finding Hope for Depression" from Psalm 42:1-5. With many friends and family members experiencing the effects of melancholy and depression, we will be hearing a sermon dealing with Biblical helps for this type of suffering.
The Biblical Strategy to Fight Temptation
God is in Control
Stop Caring, Start Serving
Last Supper, First Communion
What God Starts He Will Finish
How do I know if I'm saved? What if I don't feel saved? Satan will often tempt us with lies, and sometimes it's the lie that we aren't saved. In this sermon we look at truths from three passages (Philippians 1:6, Romans 8, 1 Peter 1) that remind those of us who have placed our faith in Christ, that we can have confidence in our eternal security.
Satan, Our Great Adversary; Jesus, Our Great Savior
Be Ready
Jesus’ Warning: Beware of Self-Obsession and Self-Preservation
Resurrection Sunday: Our Encouragment to Follow Jesus
Abundant Life in Jesus
Biblical Repentance
God is Enough
Jesus: David's Son, Our Lord
Hope to Overcome Sin
Jesus Has the Answers
"Jesus Has the Answers" from Luke 20:1-40.
Jesus Purifies His Temple
"Jesus Purifies His Temple" from Luke 19:45-46.