Salisbury Stories

Greetings all,
This is will a short newsletter about recent happenings with:
- Ministry
- Camp development
- Family and upcoming furlough

Upon finishing our trainings and youth group Activations (kick-off events), we switched to maintaining the Activate youth groups as well as supporting churches in running an evangelistic event called "Game-on". This is where youth attending Activates invite unbelievers to an afternoon of board games and gospel sharing. In the past month, we have run 4 of these events.

We have held them at BCCP, GH church, CSM, and JCCM, and we have had a total of 105 unbelievers hear the gospel during these events. At the CSM event, 60 visitors came and numerous youth gave their lives to Christ.Many of their youth have been trained in how to share the gospel, so they were eager to share. CSM is following up on those that made decisions with the desire to disciple them in the Lord. The youth  of JCCM received gospel training month in preparation for the event. Praise the Lord! We are excited to see how God uses these events to bring youth into his kingdom.

In addition, Jordan has been meeting with youth pastors and leaders in order to provide accountability and encouragement.

On August 17, we will have our 2nd annual Youth-Connect where participating youth are quizzed on lessons from the program as well as Bible memory. We are excited for the youth to show their knowledge of God's word.

Jordan sharing his testimony at a Game-on evangelistic event in Calumpit, Bulacan.

Camp develoment

The bathhouse building is nearing its completion. The Dennisons have been in the US the past couple of months, so Jordan has been the project manager of sorts. He traveled around a lot looking for materials, tools, and fixtures at good prices, so the workers could continue working. 

We are hoping for an August 10 completion date. The workers are finishing up on painting and installing fixtures and windows. 

Activate youth groups is our starting point where we reach the youth of the Philippines and teach them to reach their neighbors for the Gospel of Christ.

Activate Youth Camp (God willing) will expand the dream by reaching thousands of youth over just a few years.

Titus Global Institute will export the dream with an intense one-year Bible & discipleship program. We have a staff member already equipped for this purpose. Students are already being recruited. Next year! - if we have both buildings up. 

Drone photo taken on July 17.

We praise the Lord for the donations that put us closer to fully funding phase 1 of our camp development. We now have the basketball court fully funded!This court will be an important asset for reaching youth here. Construction on it will begin this fall after rainy season ends.

Another incredible gift from the Lord is that our 640 square meter dining hall is nearly half funded. We hope to begin construction on that building in the coming months as well. Please consider giving to our camp development fund so that many of the lost or spiritual anemic youth of the Philippines will see Christ.

At the end of May, Jordan led a two-night tree planting event that involved 12 people including 5 young men from CSM. They planted a total of 92 trees of 25+ species ranging from 1 to 12 feet tall. Our whole family was there because Joci planned the food for the trip.

Thank you all so much for your continued support via prayers and financial means.

Our tree planting crew.

Here is a drone video of the bathhouse construction as of mid-July.

Click here to Give to the Camp Fund!

Family and upcoming furlough

We are doing quite well here in Bacolor, Pampanga. We've been here for five months now. It is nice being so close to where Jordan grew up as he is very familiar with the area.

The boys are growing up so much. They love playing with each other. They both also love to sing, especially when Jordan plays worship songs on his guitar. Tobiah is becoming very eloquent and is starting to ask some great questions about the world. Ezra is starting to talk now as well. They are both such kind hearted boys.

Jordan had a bout of Dengue fever last month. He recovered after 6 or so days of rest, water, and vitamins.

We had a lovely vacation in Baguio in early July. The boys had an awesome time playing on the playground there. The temperature was very pleasant, and we even had some fires in the fireplace. It was a refreshing time for our family.

On Aug 27, we will be flying to the US for a 3-month furlough where we will spend time in Iowa, Michigan, and Florida. We will be spending time with family, sharing our ministry churches and supporters, as well as continuing to raise our own support. Let us know if you would like to meet with us while we are in your area!

Here is our general timeline for our furlough:
Aug 27 - Arrival in Chicago. Rent a car to head to Iowa for a few days (drop off luggage and such).
Aug 31- Sept. 25 Sharing with churches and supporters in Michigan as well as spending time with Jordan's family.
Sept 26-Oct.14 Sharing our ministry with friends and churches in Florida (We are flying.)
Oct. 15-Nov.27 Sharing our ministry with friends and churches in Iowa as well as spending time with Joci's family.

We picnicked on the 4th of July at a bamboo park. 

Personal Financial Update:
Thank you again for those who have supported all these years.   Our monthly support is at 66%. Our monthly support need will increase next year due to an uptick in ministry expenses as well as inflation. We do receive sufficient support currently because of our reserve fund. However, this is not sustainable, thus we pray for 100% of our monthly support. Please consider giving to God's work in the Philippines through TFE and Activate youth groups. Thank you all so much!

Click here to donate!

To give by mail: Make out check to Missions 3:16 with "Salisbury" on the memo line.

Missions 3:16
PO BOX 6765
Charleston, WV 25362

Prayer and Thanksgiving:
 - We will be finishing the bathhouse soon.
 - For the 4 successful evangelistic events that have been run by Activate youth groups in the past 6 weeks.
- The plane tickets for the US were less expensive than anticipated. Definitely a provision of the Lord.
- The boys continue to grow in wisdom and stature.

- Pray for those who have given their lives to Christ in the recent evangelistic event. Pray for wisdom for the church leaders who are discipling them as well.
- Pray for the final details for the bathhouse (water pump hookup and final fixtures).
- Pray for the remaining $54,040 for the rest of the phase 1 projects. (Then Phase 2 after that.)
- Pray for our furlough to the US (Logistics, car to borrow in Florida, support, time with family, etc.).

Thank you and God bless!

This is a short satellite GIF zooming out from the property. 

Want to chat?

We would love to catch up with you while we are in the US. Let us know if you'd like to chat online.

Want to know more about our ministry?

This blog post explains it in more detail. Read it here