Dear friends,
Bethlehem Without Christmas?
Since the outbreak of the war the government and the churches have agreed to ban all public celebrations for as long as the war lasts, including Christmas! But I am wondering how it would be possible to be in Bethlehem at Christmas and not celebrate. I doubt that this has ever happened. The only consolation is that worship services are still allowed. Nevertheless, the mood here is somber and the local economy has taken a hit.
Wartime Conditions
When we see the terrible suffering of the people who are bearing the brunt of the attacks, we feel grateful to be in Bethlehem. But that does not mean that we have been spared the dangers and hardships of war completely. Here are some examples of what we are experiencing:
Random missile attacks
Road closures
Danger and difficulties in travel
School closures or restrictions
And financial hardship
From our perspective, as people who have lived through two uprisings, two Gulf wars, five wars with Gaza and Corona, this is the most catastrophic and heart-breaking situation we have seen.
Our Schools
Due to road closures and a lack of funds, all the public schools here were obliged to go to online instruction. But fortunately, private schools like us have been allowed to remain open if they are able. In our case, both of our schools serve areas where there are road closures. So, some students have resorted to taking taxis to the road-blocks and walking over the barriers, while others have had to resort to online instruction.
When the staff and students do manage to get to school, they are very happy to be there. However, we can also sense a general atmosphere of sadness and fear about the future.
As far as we are concerned, as administrators, we try to encourage our staff and students through inspiring messages from the Bible. However, we are not allowed to put up any decorations or celebrate Christmas in the schools. But we do plan to set aside some time for singing Christmas carols together, as they are doing in the churches.
Our Response to the War
You will remember that our response to the outbreak of war was to organize a humanitarian relief project for the Christians in Gaza and for families in our area who have lost their livelihood due to the war. Now a month later we are happy to report that the response to our appeal has been strong. With your help then we have already been able to pay for two days of food for the 953 Christians (an updated number) taking refuge in the churches. And we have also been able to provide relief to 110 needy families in our area. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness! However, there is still a great need, so keep praying for the Lord’s provision.
An important Milestone
We are also happy to report that, after a wait of nine years, the Ministry of Education has decided to give us a long-term (i.e. five-year) renewal of our license for the Bethlehem school. And they even came to present it to us in person! Having this long-term renewal will save us a lot of time and work. But what is more important is their enthusiastic endorsement of our program.
Items for Prayer
Pray that we would be able to continue in-person instruction in both schools.
Pray for the safety of staff and students as they travel to and from school.
Pray that the Lord would continue to provide for the needs of the refugees and unemployed.
Pray for the senior class in Bethlehem (shown below) as they work to complete this critical year without the joy and celebration that seniors have come to expect.
Thank you again for your faithfulness in supporting our ministry through your prayers and gifts. What you are supporting right now is a place of refuge and hope in a very dark situation.
Your co-workers in the harvest,
Gregg and Rawda
Senior Breakfast
Here you see us raising the spirits of the seniors by preparing a special breakfast for them